
red leicester造句

"red leicester"是什么意思   


  1. The minimum FDM generally listed for Red Leicester is 48 %.
  2. The fat content of Red Leicester cheese when fresh is generally 33 to 34 %.
  3. Red Leicester is a Cheddar variety that's also pungent.
  4. Two dairies produce Red Leicester cheese in the county, Long Clawson and the Leicestershire Handmade Cheese Company.
  5. The yellow to red color of many cheeses, such as Red Leicester, is normally formed from adding annatto.
  6. It's difficult to find red leicester in a sentence. 用red leicester造句挺难的
  7. Versions sold in supermarkets are typically coloured with annatto, although it is possible to obtain Red Leicester without it.
  8. Outside of Europe, the style and quality of cheeses labelled as cheddar may vary greatly; furthermore, cheeses that are more similar in taste and appearance to Red Leicester are sometimes popularly marketed as " Red Cheddar ".
  9. It used to be called Leicestershire Cheese, but came to be called Red Leicester to distinguish it from the " White Leicester " made to a national wartime recipe considered inferior during the 1940s; colouring agents were banned.
  10. Although Red Leicester can be young or " old ", aged anywhere from four to nine months, the young Leicesters at the start of that range will be very mild : they often require at least six months to develop a tang.
  11. The novella " Flight 404 " was shortlisted for the Ditmar awards in March 2013, and both " Flight 404 " and " The Hunt for Red Leicester " were subsequently shortlisted for the Sir Julius Vogel Award, with " Flight 404 " winning in its category.
  12. Alarmed at the rise of mass-market, industrially made cheddars, red Leicesters and Wensleydales that were being sealed in plastic and sold in supermarkets across Britain, he diligently sought out small, tradition-minded cheese makers and provided a showcase for their efforts at his little shop, where customers could buy dog food and shoelaces along with farmhouse cheddars, single Gloucesters, Swaledales and nearly 150 other cheeses.


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